Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Measuring Job Search Progress

The job search can be a long and arduous process.  You will likely apply to countless jobs every day and get in touch with networking contacts, among other activities.  It can be difficult to determine how well you are actually doing with so much on your plate.  Difficult, but not impossible.  Measuring your job search progress will help you determine which of your strategies is working the best, giving you a smoother path to getting hired.

The first thing you should keep of are resumes getting the best results.  If you have been reading this blog consistently, you will already know that you should never be using the same resume for different job applications.  That doesn't mean you can't have a single that you consistently use.  Experiment with different layouts and see which ones get you the most responses.

You should also keep note of which job boards have served you best.  Using multiple job boards is essential.  There's no question it will be a hassle to keep track of multiple sites, but it's the best way to get the most results.  You should be able to tell after a few weeks which sites are worth using.  If you find there are some that are giving you little to no help, take them off your list and move onto a new one.

Remember to keep track of which networking contacts have given you the most help.  You probably contact many different people every day, so it's important to know exactly which individuals you can rely on to help you.  You don't want to be wasting your time contacting people who have consistently provided you with little assistance.

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