Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6 Items To Consider For Your Resume

Originally posted on the Nonprofit Job Seeker

Figuring out what you should include in your resume can be quite a headache. Conventional wisdom says too much information will bore the reader, yet it also claims too little will make it hard for you to stand out among all the candidates.

What's a nonprofit job seeker to do?

The key to striking the right balance of information is including the most pertinent information? What is that, you ask? Here are six examples of information that employers would find interesting:
  • Politics: It would seem unwise to mention your political leanings in a resume, but it can actually be benefitial. One thing employers consider is how a new employee will fit in the environment. If your ideology is drastically different than those in the organization, you probably wouldn't be a good fit anyway.
  • Failures: Employers want to know about your failed efforts in the past, and how you have learned from them.
  • Travel: Many nonprofit jobs involve traveling, whether it's for a conference or some other special event. Showing that you have a lot of experience in other countries or states will indicate that you have no trouble leaving your comfort zone.
  • Side Projects Don't think you have enough work experience listed? It's perfectly acceptable to list projects you worked on when you were unemployed.
  • Awards: Don't be afraid to brag: List the awards or other recognitions you have received over the years.
  • Sports: Nonprofits are the ultimate team-environment; everybody must work together to accomplish the mission. Listing any team sports you competed in will show that you are familiar with that kind of environment.

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