Monday, July 29, 2013

4 Ways To Ease Job Interview Anxieties

Job interviews are one of those things that can strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest person. While it's normal to feel this type of anxiety, it's imperative to find ways to control your fears so you can make the best possible impression on the hiring manager.

There is no better way to calm your interview jitters than to prepare. While there are many different forms of preparation, you will find that the best thing for your nerves is to roleplay with a friend or family member. This will allow you develop answers to typical interview questions and will make you feel more comfortable with the process.

Here are three other tips that will help you feel more relaxed and confident when the day of the interview arrives:

  • Plan your day around the interview. There's no better way to raise your stress level than running late because you overbooked your day.
  • Practice stress relieving exercises. While you are waiting in the receptionist's office for your name to be called, do some simple relaxation exercises, such as closing your eyes and paying attention to your breathing. These techniques are very good at lowering your stress levels.
  • Prepare your own questions. Don't say "no" when the interviewer asks if you have any questions. This is a good opportunity for you to show that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in the job. 

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